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Welcome to the website, where we propose reforms based on principles, rather than politics, special interests, or tribalism. We understand that people want to protect themselves and people they like, but shouldn't certain things like personal freedom, economic freedom, and prosperity be universal and not dependent on which group you belong to.

Our proposed reforms are designed to elevate all people, not just a select group. Instead of favoring one group over another, how about we build a society that is peaceful and prosperous for all?

More details will be coming soon. Stay tuned.

Why Purple?

If you are wondering why our website is purple instead of blue and red, it is because blue is currently associated with Democrats, red is currently associated with Republicans, Socialists, and Communists, and yellow is associated with Libertarians. Since people often make assumptions about people's political beliefs, we decided to use purple to make it clear that we are independents and not affiliated with any particular party.